My Yellowstone Blog

My Yellowstone Blog

This is a collection of stories and pictures of my favorite family adventures in and around Yellowstone National Park.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wood Stacking Party

Today we had wood delivered from a couple of guys in Livingston. It has been such a cold winter we have gone through all of our wood!  We bought two cords of wood. Dad, Grandma, Bennett, Preston, Fiona and I helped stack the wood. (Matilda is not quite ready yet)! ;)

Grandma could hardly lift up the ax.......But she was excited when she "touched" the piece of wood with the ax!

Dad is an expert wood chopper!

 Fiona liked to help too!

We're done!!!!

The other day on the way to Livingston, there were "snow snakes" on the road.  It was pretty hard to see, but not as snowy as Mammoth!!!! It was still really pretty!

We also went to the Library while we were there.

We went to Bozeman too, while we were already half way there. My Mom's favorite shop is the Salvation Army, so the girls went there while the boys skidded off to Lowe's! ;)
Mom had to change a dirty diaper and nurse Matilda (not both at the same time) in the back room where all the furniture is (there were pretty comfy chairs for them to sit in!) at Salvation Army. Everybody looked at us like we were crazy!

Grandma was so into the kids books, that she hardly knew what was happening!

We also watched a movie that night and we looked over at Grandma and she was snoring her head off! We were trying our hardest not to burst out laughing! I had tears in my eyes,  it was so funny!


  1. CUTE!!!!!! You guys r wearing your gradma out

  2. i love your blog emma!!! especially the snow snakes. save some goodies at the salvation army for me!!! hugs, aunt mauray
