On Sunday, January 30th at 8:00 a.m., my Mom started having contractions 25 minutes apart. Mikelann, the mid-wife that was actually going to deliver the baby, has one weekend off every month and this was the weekend she had off. Her replacement was Kathy from Jackson Hole, WY. Her assistant, Emily, was also an R.N. They gave Mom a big ball to bounce on while she was having her contractions. Mom went into her room and she got into the tub. After she got out, they told her to go to the bathroom. Then she went onto the bed and 10 minutes later, the baby was born. My Mom was excited because the baby was born at 2:47 p.m. in the middle of the day! She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 21 inches long. She is sooooooooo cute!!!!!
Here she is after she was born:
Miss Emily let us listen to the baby's heart with the stethoscope:
Here she is being weighed:
Here she is being measured:
First dipe:
Little taco (Dad calls her a "Baby Bean"):
First footprint:
My first time holding her:
Here is Emily (left) and Kathy (right):
Kathy loves babies!
Fresh as a daisy!

5 hours later...going to the hotel
Fiona at the C'mon Inn
We love this pool!
Resting in the room:
The new addition to the herd:
Aww what do u want her name to be I want it to be Alex